Kubernetes Secrets

Application secrets are managed using Sealed Secrets and are stored with the application deployment config in k8s-apps/<APPLICATION>/<SEALED_SECRET>.yaml.

Creating/Rotating Secrets

I use the following zsh function to regenerate the sealed secret when rotating them. Importantly, editing the plain text values within seems to cause the decryption to fail within the cluster; so recreating the secret from scratch seems to be the most consistent.

function sealSecret() {
    if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
        echo "Useage: sealSecret secretName secretValue namespace"
        return 1
    echo -n $2 | \
    kubectl create secret generic $1 --dry-run=client --from-file=$1=/dev/stdin -o yaml -n $3 | \
    kubeseal -o yaml

Listing Application Secrets

Currently, there are three sealed secrets:

  • k8s-apps/traefik/CloudflareSecret.yaml
  • k8s-apps/roboshpee/SealedToken.yaml
  • k8s-apps/pihole/pihole-admin-password.yaml

To get a current list of secrets in-repo:

rg -l '^kind: SealedSecret' k8s-apps

Or in-cluster:

kubectl get -A sealedsecrets.bitnami.com